reflexology therapy

FUSS about FEET, judge for yourself.

  • Each of our feet contain 26 bones – which accounts for 1/4 of the bones in our entire body. When these bones are out of alignment, so is the rest of the body.
  • It’s also interesting that there are 26 vertebrae in our spine which is the same number of bones that is in each foot.

Reflexologist take on cracked heels

Cracked heels, what a pain! Most of us have seen them either on someone else, or have suffered with pain from splitting skin on their heels during the hot dry season. I see them in my practice often, of course, why not.

Do you supplement?

Simply put, we do not nourish our body with the proper nutrients, even though most of the time, we're overeating. I like the phrase from famous author Michael Pollan, “we became overfed and undernourished."

Raw Food Institute April Recap

As you know, I am on the faculty of The Raw Food Institute (RFI) and go to Simsbury, CT four times a year to work with RFI students and to detox my body while there with amazing gourmet raw food and green juices.

My Morning Rituals

Many of my clients have asked me the question, what do you eat in the morning, what's in your breakfast? So as promised to you, here it is. Please be advised, this is not an endorsement of one style over another, or nutritional advice for that matter, just honest sharing. Also, I may change my morning ritual, as time goes by, but for now, here it is.