
What I Learned from my Recent Trip to Israel

Many of you know, that this March Nicholas and I took a 16-day trip to Israel, named “The Holy Land Tour - In Search of Original Wisdom”, with one of the most extraordinary teachers of our time Gregg Braden. It was my first trip to Israel, even though I know that my ancestors came from this land, and quite a few friends and distant family members are living there now.

It was a profound, empowering and extraordinary journey of a lifetime. It was a journey, that  awakened memories, and evoked powerful feelings and emotions.  It has been said, that from those who are deeply devoted to a religious practice, to those who are non-denominational spiritual seekers, there is no place on earth that touches the cords of our spiritual beliefs so powerfully, and our souls so deeply. We saw the beauty, history and sacredness of the land, and the people, from multiple backgrounds as we experienced layers of history and tradition. We followed in the footsteps of the greatest spiritual masters that ever walked the earth, and taught the words of divine wisdom, compassion and love celebrating the unity of the Creator.

So much is on the news today about Israel, that made me hesitant to visit the area for a long time. If it was not for Gregg Braden, with whom we travelled to Peru some 11 years ago, I would be still on the fence.  

Our group of 106 included people from 16 countries  and all over the States. We traveled through the desert and into Jerusalem ( in Hebrew means City Of Peace) and then north to the Galilee area following the paths that Jesus,  as a man, Joshua ben Josef, would have followed. 

We entered Palestine several times, and in all that time never once incurred any tension or hostilities. We witnessed Jews, Christians & Muslims co-existing together as a nation. 

Jesus, as the prophet (and he was one of many prophets over the centuries) only wanted to empower people with his actions & words to live in peace and justice. Unfortunately this is not how his wisdom has played out in the past. 

As Gregg suggested throughout the trip, Israel is a ground zero for the world peace, and if it can be achieved in Israel it can be achieved throughout the world.  If you have not been to Israel yet, you may consider going with Gregg Braden and Elan Cohen, check out the schedule www.ShalohaProductions.com

One of the most profound places for me was Mary Magdalene Church at Migdal Junction in the north of the country.

A few years ago Father Juan Solana, the papal appointee in charge of Notre Dame of Jerusalem, felt the leading of Christ to build a retreat center on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. As workers began to dig the foundation for the guesthouse in 2009, they discovered a First Century Synagogue and inside what is being called The Magdala Stone. Fast forward, they hired a female chief archeologist, a female lead architect, and they built a church next to the excavation site, which honors Mary Magdalene, the other women of the Bible, and the divine feminine in general. Inside the dome of the church is a representation of Guadalupe. In the basement of the church, they built a meeting room modeled after a synagogue. The painting behind the altar, is of the woman in the Bible who by her faith was healed touching the hem of Jesus’ clothing. Wonderfully animated  Priest, Father Eamon Kelly, originally from Ireland, lectured our group in that synagogue, and in so many words reminded us that Jesus was a Jew, that he taught in synagogues, that he almost certainly taught in the synagogue discovered there, that Jesus honored the divine feminine in this place. Yes, the church that once threw Mary Magdalene under the bus is on a mission at Magdala to unite people in her name. I was fortunate enough to spend three hours talking to  Fr. Kelly about his mission here in Israel at Magdala, about powerful and talented women who actively created this place.  Place that continues to attract pilgrims and tourists alike from all over the world. See more here: http://www.magdala.org Donate, if you are moved so. I did.

 Almost daily we had the presentations by Gregg Braden with powerful video slides illustrating his narrations on the latest scientific discoveries, that support the ancient texts and spiritual teaching from all over the world! These  were SUPERB. I am glad to share with you, that you too can watch  and be with Gregg from the comfort of your home. 

Subscribe to Gaia channel, for example with Amazon Prime, and look for “The Missing Links with Gregg Braden”. He explores the deep truth of our origin, history, destiny and fate! like no one else.

Much to take in, understand and act upon now - to create solutions to total Peace on Earth as our foremothers and our forefathers taught us.

Book References & More:

1. The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation, Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr. & Edward Cook (Harper San Francisco 1999)

2. The Other Bible, Ancient Alternative Scriptures, Edited by Willis Barnstone (Harper San Francisco 1984)

3. The Nag Hammadi Library, The definitive new translation of the Gnostic scriptures complete in one volume, James M. Robinson Editor, Harper San Francisco 1990)

4. Prayers of the Cosmos, Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus, Neil Douglas-Klotz, (Harper San Francisco 1994)

5. The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book Two, The Unknown Books of the Essenes, Translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (International Biogenic Society 1981)

6. Torah Code Software (Available for PC Only, not for Mac)


7. On iTunes you will find the chant of the sacred hebrew personal name of God, YHVH: "The Divine Name" I Am (Feat. Tina Malia) Jonathan Goldman (2013 Spirit Music)

8. More on Hebrew Names of God: http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Names_of_G-d/YHVH/yhvh.html

Gregg Braden one and only official web site (please beware of pseudo-Gregg Braden sites):


Words of Wisdom from Trusted Sources

I could never say it better, then these powerful teachers. So here they are: 

"There are many situations, attitudes, lifestyles—even food choices—that you do not want to participate with. Through the living of your life, you have identified many wanted and unwanted aspects, and it is important to remember that none of those unwanted things can jump into your experience, because there is no assertion in your attraction-based Universe.

NL April.jpg

The choices that others make cannot negatively impact your experience unless you include them in your experience through your attention to them. Things come to you only through your Vibrational invitation—and they remain only by your continuing attention to them.

Your Universe is based upon freedom. Freedom for everyone to choose what they give their attention to, and therefore what they choose to experience. And your interaction with one another provides a contrasting basis that assures continual expansion.

When others achieve Vibrational alignment with something they desire, they in no way deprive you of your desires. If your time-space reality has inspired a desire within you, it is certain that your desire can be fulfilled, for your Earth environment has the potential of satisfying the essence of all desires.

Excerpted from "Getting into the Vortex" Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on 11/1/10

Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

“Learn to live simply, staying in the now moment and being true to the prompting's of your heart. Allow yourselves to be guided from a place of love regardless of what may present itself as you go about your day, for love is the only power and the only reality regardless of any outer appearances. We are spiritually mature enough to accept that it is one's state of consciousness that determines their outer experiences. In reality there are no victims, only those suffering the effects of believing themselves separate from Source, others, and their good .

You are creators, and must ask yourselves what you are choosing to create--for yourself and for the world. It is serious and often difficult work to be awake in a third dimensional world at this time, but know that you knew this before incarnating and chose to be here.” 

from onenessofall.com

Natural Alternative to Antibiotics

It happens often between seasons, we catch cold, our sinuses get irritated and infected, our chest congested, cannot breathe or sleep, and before we know it we are totally exhausted. You know the drill: call or trip to the doctor, then the pharmacy to quickly bring antibiotics to our defense.

Common occurrence nowadays.

Way too often antibiotics are not effective first time around, or worse they create unpleasant, if not dangerous side effects. I learned about this alternative to prescribed antibiotics while studying with Truth Calkins - an amazing herbalist and anti-aging health coach from CA. My husband and I have been taking this formula with great results on and off for the past 18 months.  I have been offering it to some of my clients for the last year to ward off the common infections and boost the immune system. You can easily order it through my virtual dispensary “Fullscript” online. You will find it under the tab “Shop by Categories”  As always do not hesitate to call or email me with any questions in regards to supplementations – short consults are welcomed and FREE of charge.


I'd like to introduce you to what is called a Natural Antibiotic Shot - to boost immune system, prevent and address colds and flus, allergies, infections – and also good for sinuses, ear, and chest infections.


  1. put 2 tsp clean filtered water in a shot glass
  2. add 5 drops of Oregano Oil 
  3. add 1 tsp of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract liquid
  4. add 1 tsp of Sovereign Silver
  5. add 1 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
  6. dash of cayenne pepper - optional
  7. Mix well and shoot straight back. Please wait 30 minutes before eating anything else. 


  • Oregano Essential Oil: Pure essential oil of origanum vulgare obtained via natural processes. It is a mucous membrane irritant. May be toxic if used internally overdosed. Avoid direct contact w/ eyes. Do not expose to direct sunlight.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar w/mother 12 oz Organic Kosher Unfiltered & Unpasteurized Omega Nutrition’s organic Apple Cider Vinegar is of exceptional quality and flavor. Our Apple Cider Vinegar is produced the “old fashioned” way. • No chemicals, additives or preservatives. • Unpasteurized to preserve its nutritional value. • Contains pectins, beneficial bacteria and enzymes. • Contains “mother” which is formed naturally by the bacteria in unpasteurized vinegar. • Vinegar containing “mother” is not harmful or spoiled. 
  • Liquid Kyolic Odorless Organic Garlic: Extract begins with 100% organically grown garlic bulbs. They are then aged to perfection in a unique extraction process to eliminate odor and create the beneficial compounds found only in Kyolic. Kyolic has multiple benefits: - Cardiovascular health - healthy homocysteine and cholesterol levels. Kyolic supports your body's natural defenses .Kyolic helps the liver to produce glutathione, the body's natural detoxifier. Kyolic liquid has unique and beneficial anti-oxidant compounds created by this special process.
  • Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol delivers  98% positively charged silver [Ag(n) 1+]. EASILY ABSORBED: Unprecedented particle size of 0.8 nanometers allows for easy absorption and excretion.  Ultra-small particle size results in greater surface area, making our low concentration of 10 ppm more effective than brands up to 500 ppm. PERFECTLY SAFE*: Safe for the whole family. †According to the EPA (CASRN 7440-22-4) daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD) applied to 10 ppm, one may ingest 178,850 servings safely over 70 years. 99.999% PURE: No added salts or proteins. Just pure silver in pure water. Vegan. 

Reflexology For Headaches

I rarely have headaches. That is my genetic luck and may I say so, my lifestyle choices.

The last two headaches I had were so terrible and memorable, they are worth sharing with you.

On August 2, 2014 my beloved cat Dr. Chipper passed on after being with us for almost 20 years. He took his last breath  while I was away from home for 40 minutes. The previous two weeks I  nursed him with  IV, wrapped him in far infrared blanket and enticed him to recover with  gentle whispers in his ears. I hardly left the house. He slipped away in Nicholas' presence, not giving me a chance to say my last “good byes”. I was totally devastated.

The left side of my head was throbbing with persistent cadence for 48 hours since I learned the news. It became so unbearable that my doctor friend  advised me to go the Emergency Room. Four hours and head MRI later, the nurse suggested that I take Extra Strength Tylenol.  Apparently, I was deficient ;) in it.  Headache was gone, the grief for Dr. Chipper is still with me, although I used my powerful Peppermint essential oil and self -help Reflexology.

The second memorable headache hit me this February, the 9th - first serious snow storm this year.  All day I had relentless pounding on the back of my head. This time I was not Tylenol deficient, I tried two pills - no relief. What helped me is a Reflexology session by my husband's  loving hands and a cold compress on the back of my head.

Here is how Nicholas worked on my feet:


With his thumbs he rubbed and probed and caressed the fleshy parts of my big toes. Starting with my right foot, then the left, then both big toes simultaneously, then each and every toe pad - all ten of them. No cream, just intuitive pushing, pulling, rolling, thumb walking - 15 minutes the most. He helped me to get to some senses. I touched the back of my less throbbing  head - it was warmer on a right side. I put the ice pack on it. Dr. Dexter planted his warm body by my belly and we went to a deep sleep. I woke up in 3 hours to my normal chirpy self.

The takeaway:

If the headache hits you, start with essential oils, Peppermint is best in my clinical opinion. Find the pair of loving hands, if I am not near you, let them work your toes and your fingers for this matter. Ask me the next time and I will demonstrate these techniques. They are easy to learn and perform,  I promise.

The Four Truths

The Four Truths

As many of you know, we were away for two weeks in Tucson,  Arizona at The Creative Health Solutions Clinic. It's run by anti-aging health coach and Jing Master Truth Calkins. He is a renowned health and wellness expert on the West Coast.  His successful practice developed while he was working at Erewhon Natural Foods Market, where he ran the Tonic Bar.

Truth's approach to health maintenance is rooted in four principles.

  • Healthy Eating
  • Exercises
  • Supplements + Herbs
  • Health Technologies

Truth Number 1: Healthy Eating

No brainer, right? But what is healthy eating? What diet do you follow?  I do not like the  word diet, btw.  Truth suggests a simple rule: 60% raw (which includes salads, vegetable  juices, blended soups), 40%  cooked (quality animal proteins and steamed veggies). The goal here is to get into KETOSIS. This fancy new word means abandon the sugars altogether and get your energy from  ketones produced in the liver from the fat, ether plant or animal based. Hello olives, avocados, sesame seed butter, pumpkin seed oil, organic chicken/beef, veal, soaked chia and golden flax seeds, fish oil, sardines and anchovies,  gee, highly worshipped coconut butter, bone broth to list a few here.  Good Bye fruits, all of them, starchy veggies, beans, legumes, good bye my beloved potatoes. Red skin potatoes are allowed occasionally, although in a very small doses. This ketogenic way of getting your energy from fat, not glucose will deliver you  into anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, colon healthy, lean muscled body we all dream of.  Truth  also teaches "Body Ecology Diet" way of eating.  So  adding raw cultured probiotic food to each meal is a must.  There are a few cultured  probiotic food you can buy at the stores, or online and certainly you can make your own. I can share the  recipe for home made raw sauerkraut,  just ask me.

My fave at The Whole Foods  is Inner Eco Coconut probiotic Kefir,  Veggie Delight Light Zing Salad from Rejuvenate Foods and Ozuke citrus & ginger kraut from Mrs. Green's Natural Market.  

Pure, structured - Vitalized water is a necessary  part of healthy eating.  See my previous blog on the  Vitalizer.  Since then I added  counter top Reverse Osmosis unit called  AquaTru™. I will be happy to show it to you, when you come next time.  Actually, you will be drinking the amazing water I make for you using all my water devices.

There are plenty books on the subject of healthy eating and benefits of cultured foods. Here are some links  below.  As soon as Truth Calkins website  is live, you will get his link.

Recommended Tools

Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates   Purchase here

KetoClarity by Jimmy Moore, Eric Westman, MD  Purchase here.

Vitalizer Plus Oxygen Water Maker  Purchase here

AquaTru™ Water Revolution  Purchase  http://www.aquatruwater.com/?aid=22427


Truth Number 2: Exercises

Simple daily exercises include 30 to 60 minutes of rebounding and 15 minutes doing Five Tibetan Rites. Hiking, running or biking  will be a great benefit to  daily activity for many of you. We need to move more, sit less. You probably heard me saying: " Move your movables"

You have seen my living room sporting cool exercise equipment. Three times a week you will find me at The LifeCycle Studio riding Real Ryder bike. I also take three daily walks with Dr. Dexter adding up to my "Move the movables".  And after our trip to Truth's center  Rebounding and Tibetan Rites are new addition to the morning routine. Do as I say and do, right? 

Rebounding or exercising on mini-trampoline was endorsed by NASA as the best exercise invented by man. Truth recommends Bellicon brand,  44" frame with soft bands, instead of metal springs. You can burn 350 calories in 30 min., using all muscle groups, improve your balance and flexibility, even watch favorite show doing it. We are in the process of replacing our old metal spring rebounder with the Bellicon brand.

Five Tibetans are five yogic dynamic poses repeated 21 times each. The main documented benefits  are  improved energy and activation of anti-aging process.

Recommended Tools

"The Five Tibetans" by Christopher S. Kilham  Purchase here.

One of the many "Youtube" demos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVmhHjkHYjk


Truth Number 3: Supplements and Herbs

Big subject!   Do you supplement your food intake  with vitamins and minerals or not?  Do you add  herbs to the protocol, or not?

It is a personal decision for each one of you. I advocate using them wisely and consistently for the best results. I always suggest to consult with a professional on the need, brand, quantity and duration. Not all supplements/herbs created equal.  

And everyone's needs are  different. There are several supplements although, that proven to be of outmost benefit to everyone.  In my previous newsletter we discussed them and listed them for you in Fullscript- my virtual dispensary- under the tab "Minimum 4." 

Today I am introducing additional two natural compounds derived from food, that I take daily, to support my immune system and promote anti-aging, of course.

Modifilan -  dehydrated and powdered seaweed Laminaria. Read more about Modifilan here.  

AHCC (active hexose correlated  compound) superfood, produced from Shiitake mushroom, grown in rise bran extract. It is known as  Japanese Medicinal Mushroom Immune  Enhancer. This time-tested superfood became widely accepted treatment in Japan for autoimmune and life threatening diseases along with its noted  ability to relieve unpleasant side effects of many chemotherapy drugs ( not my case, hope not yours ether).  Since it is a natural compound, you can get it without prescription, yay! Here are some conditions,  that AHCC is proven to be very effective: chronic pain, diabetes, cardiovascular, stress, infections, inflammations due to acute injuries, exposure to toxic chemicals and cancer.

The book that I list for you below provides three pages of references to the studies. Good read, if you want to learn more on AHCC. 

Recommended tools:

AHCC - Active Hexose Correlated Compound by Dan Kenner: Purchase here.

You can purchase AHCC on  Fullscript here.

Truth Number 4: Health Technologies: Electromagnetic Medicine

My particular interest in these technologies may be explained by my first education with my MS in Engeneering -  Knowing,  that everything is energy and all energy is electromagnetic in nature.   Science has proven that all cells in our  our body actually project their own magnetic field and  all 70 trillion cells  communicate via electromagnetic frequencies.  Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. When the electromagnetic activity  ceases, life ceases.  So it is easy to understand the long history of electromagnetic medicine and its widely used  diagnostic machinery in addition to the invention of the  electromagnetic devices, that  help to promote  healing and longevity.

There are several such devices that I offer to you  along with hands-on Reflexology/Reiki healing: Far Infra Red compact mat, Far Infra Red SOQI bed, Bio-Medici Magnetic Pulser, Chi Machine, Zapper.

 After spending time with Truth in Arizona I added two new devices to this list.  All devices can be easily combined with hands-on treatment, or used on its own.  

First introductory session is FREE for you, after that it is billed at $60/hour.

Photon Genie

"Photon Genie is the result of decades of research and development,  innovating and advancing the concepts of Tesla, Rife, Abrams and Lakhovsky.  Ed Skilling  used   proprietary processing of full-spectrum energy and infinite harmonics with “Skilling Advanced Electronics” to promote restoration of cell functions and cell  regeneration.  Photon Genie application re-establish harmonic energy program of each cell, organ, system of the body. It devitalizes  pathogens, thus reducing infections, while slowing and reversing the disease process, breaking up mineral deposits thru repolorazing cells  and lastly detoxifying body by moving and balancing lymphatic and circulatory systems.

To read more click here

The SOTA Magnetic Pulser

This compact unit offers the benefits of 6,000 Gauss strong pulsed magnetic field to help balancing your body's natural electromagnetic field. Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields influence cell behavior by inducing electrical changes around and within the cell. Improved blood supply increases the oxygen pressure, activating and regenerating cells. Improved calcium transport increases absorption of calcium in bones and improves the quality of cartilage in joints, decreasing pain dramatically.  Acute and even chronic pain, also caused by arthritis and osteoporosis, may disappear completely.

Here is the link to the demo on this unit. 

Necessary Disclaimer: The information provided  here is not medical advice and the products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners.