
Far Infrared Rays in SoQi Bed: A Healing Tool

If you've never experienced FIR SoQi bed, I invite you to experience it at no additional charge, while you have  your Reflexology/Reiki healing, lying on the SoQi bed fully clothed, preferably in your comfy sweats. For clients who seek regular use of the SoQi bed is $60/hour and can be combined with Reflexology/Reiki sessions as add-on, or it can be used on its own.


Far Infrared Ray (FIR) Energy is the invisible part of the Sun’s spectrum measured  at 8 to 10 microns, that is capable of penetrating  deep into the body and gently elevate body temperature. It is not to be confused with ultraviolet light which may damage your skin.

SoQi Bed is a device that consists of three  hot houses that emit FIR around your body. SoQi bed acts like a personal sauna that bathes your body in this beneficial  energy. Its unique design allows me to conveniently  work on your feet  or head, while you're enjoying FIR. I have been successfully using this device in my practice since 2013.


  • Enhanced circulation
  • Released toxins from the cells
  • Regenerated cellular activity
  • Increased blood oxygenation
  • Decreased muscle soreness
  • Relaxation

From the Dispensary: Super Foods + Teas

Did you know my virtual dispensary has powerful teas and some super foods that you probably already are buying at your supermarket for a much higher price. Instead, would you like these be delivered to your door with free shipping and a 20% discount?

Do you want to consult with me for suggestions on the best professional grade supplements, natural health products and teas? Just call 203-968-6824. Meanwhile, here are some of my favorites that will be good for everyone:



  • All Yogi Teas: My favorites are Bedtime, Egyptian Licorice, Ginger and Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life
  • Pukka Teas, these come in sachets: My favorites are Three Ginger, Rooibos & Honeybush, Elderberry & Echinacea, After Dinner
  • Wise Women Herbals: My favorites are Urinary Tract, Digest, Fertill


  • Garden of Life: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Barlean's Organic Oils: MCT Coconut Swirl Oil
  • Nutiva: Organic Coconut Manna – Will replace your cream, cream cheese and butter.

HEALTH BARS: Check out these brands

  • Designs for Health
  • D'Adamo Personalized Nutrition
  • Metagenics

You'll need to sign up to buy them. It's very easy and convenient.

Join Me For A Spring Detox

From April 3-9 in Simsbury CT, I will be teaching, practicing reflexology and detoxing big time with the best possible food, along with many wonderful teachers including Lisa Wilson who is THE LEADER. I have been going there for the past three years, and recommend it to everyone. Check it out- click the button below, ask me any questions about it.


Books On My Study Desk + Nightstand

During many of your sessions, I get questions about what I'm studying now and what I'm reading for pleasure. Here's the current list. Click the links to learn and get it for yourself.


The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot: LINK

Healing is Voltage, by Jerry L. Tennant, MD: LINK

Cutting For Stone, by Abraham Verghese: LINK
This was my favorite book from 2014. I have not read much for pleasure lately, since I'm so involved in my studies.

Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian L. Weiss: LINK
If you're interested in having a past life regression session with me, this is a must-read, written by the teacher I studied with.

Same Soul, Many Bodies, by Brian L. Weiss: LINK
From regression to progression, let's stretch your mind.

Sharing My Latest Certification With You

As you've probably heard before, "the most powerful weapon of mass destruction is the fork," as Christian Northrup so cleverly once said. Nutritional counseling remains an important part of my holistic healing practice. Therefore, I'm constantly studying with the most prominent teachers in the field. My latest accomplishment is the completion of the Digestive Intensive course, which you can see below. And yes, it required intense studying and I passed the exam to get the certificate.

Learn more at
