ib healing

7 Key Nutrients You Should Have Lab Tested in 2019

7 Key Nutrients You Need.jpg

Are you overfed and undernourished?

This statement might be hard to believe, but in this day and age, studies show that this has never been more true.

Processed foods, depleted soil, lack of sun and exposure to toxins are just a few of the reasons our bodies are lacking key nutrients.

And, even if you have an extremely ‘clean’ or healthy diet, you should consider lab testing your blood work for these 7 key nutrients for optimal body function as you age:

1.     Vitamin D: We need vitamin D for strong bones, muscles and overall health. However, the majority of people worldwide are vitamin D deficient or insufficient, which can lead to bone and muscle pain, and softening of the bones.

2.     B12: Vitamin B12 helps us produce healthy red blood cells in our bone marrow. Vitamin B12 is only available in animal foods (meat and dairy products) or yeast extracts (such as brewer's yeast). Vitamin B12 deficiency can result in anemia, a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells and elevated homocysteine (an inflammatory marker).

3.     Magnesium: More than half of all Americans are magnesium deficient. Modern life depletes our magnesium through too much coffee, alcohol, antibiotic use, drugs and over-exercise. Magnesium deficiencies are linked to increased inflammatory markers such as CRP, poor sleep, muscle spasms, eye twitches and insomnia.

4.     Iron: According to the World Health Organization, about 30% of the world’s population has an iron status that’s considered below normal.  Low iron levels can result in fatigue, pale complexion and increased anxiety. You can test your levels with a serum ferritin test.

5.     Omega 6:3 ratio: About 90% of Americans have low concentrations of the Omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory in nature and can help raise HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol that helps decrease the bad cholesterol in our blood vessels).

6.     Micronutrients: Zinc and selenium help to support your immune system and maintain a healthy thyroid function.

These nutrients can be checked by your primary care physician or you can receive discounted labs (without the hassle of driving to see your doctor) by using this link.

Since I am an affiliate with this company, you can receive discounted labs in a safe, confidential and convenient way, and once you have your results, I can share with you Dr. Alan’s* optimal functional ranges for labs and guide you to other helpful resources.

Please note: I am not a medical doctor and I cannot receive lab results directly from any lab or diagnose or treat any medical condition.

*Dr. Alan Hopkins M.D. is the Director of YourLabWork.com

Gut Health

Your health begins in the gut, and continues in the intestines. How do you know, if your gut is functioning properly? I would like to share with you the easiest way to evaluate your gastro-intestinal health. 

All you need is to look at your poop, literally, here is the visual. Please share your type with me on your next visit or call.


Tongue Diagnosis

 First off, read this amazing book: “You are What you Eat” book by Dr. Gillian McKeith.

The following are excerpts from Dr McKeith's book. This information is no substitute for seeking medical advice from a doctor or qualified practitioner, if there are any concerns.

Healthy Looking Tongue:

If this is your tongue below, congrats, no need to look further. If it is not your tongue, review the pictures below and please know that your gut health can be improved and your tongue will show the results. Let's talk about the right nutritional choices you can make. I'm here for you to modify and add appropriate supplements and teas through my Virtual Dispensary- FullScript.

Cracked Tongue

A crack down the middle of your tongue means that you are probably nutrient depleted and your digestion isn't what it should be.  You are probably also often bloated after eating and have energy slumps in the middle of the day.  I would  recommend taking digestive enzymes with meals,  eat soups, stews and blends which are easy to digest, and avoiding fizzy drinks.

Eat nourishing foods: ArtichokesAvocadosCarrots, Sprouts of seeds, Parsnips, Black or Wild Rice, Squash, Sweet PotatoesTurnipsYams

Drinks herbal infusion of Fennel, Peppermint, Licorice.

White Coating

Thick White Coating or Swollen Tongue is an indication of too much mucus in the body.  It's also a sign of a lack of beneficial bacteria and too much yeast.  Dr McKeith recommends reducing dairy products, eating more green superfoods and taking probiotics to replenish your body with healthy bacteria.

Teeth Marks

Teeth marks around the side of the tongue are due to nutritional deficiency. Dr. McKeith says your digestion is also probably impaired and you have a spleen deficiency.  If your Spleen is weak, you probably also struggle with gas and bloating.  

Spleen nourishing foods: Aduki Beans,Yellow squash, Mung BeansKidney BeansAlfalfaBeetrootOatsCarrotsParsleyCelery,ParsnipsPumpkinFennelSweet PotatoesTurnipsYams,  FishChicken. Foods high in Chlorophyll: Leafy greens, AlgaeKaleChard.

Herbs and Spices to Nourish the Spleen: Astragalus, GarlicBlack PepperGingerCayenne PepperGinsengCinnamonHorseradishDill seedPau d’Arco. 


Horizontal cracks, small cracks/grooves on tongue are usually a sign of malabsorption, especially of B vitamins, and often accompanied by a lack of energy.  Most overweight patients that Dr McKeith sees for the first time, she says, are deficient in B Vitamins.  This has usually developed over a long time.  

She recommends, Vit. B Complex, digestive enzyme supplements, peppermint and nettle teas and 2 tbsp of Aloe Vera juice before meals.  She also recommends taking echinacea tincture (20 drops daily for 2 weeks), to help move lymph and eliminate toxins that are impeding nutrient absorption. I add the Bellicon trampoline to the daily routine.

Yellow Coating

A Thick Yellow Coating indicates excess heat in the gut, and that you don't have enough healthy bacteria in your body.  Dr McKeith says if the coating is at the back of your tongue you need to pay attention to your colon, as you bowels may not be working as they should be. Check against the Bristol Stool Chart, I provided above.

Solutions: If you can take 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice before meals.

Add sage tea (2 cups a day for a month), and alternate this with camomile tea.

Eat more vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds. Are you run down from doing too much, please start to take things easier.

Red Tip

Red Tip on the Tongue according to Dr McKeith  indicates emotional stress or upset. She recommends at looking at ways to reduce the stress in your life.

Sore Tongue is a sign of a nutrient deficiency, often iron, vitamin B6 or niacin.

She recommends to drink nettle teas and it may be worth getting your iron levels checked and seeing a medical professional for proper test and supplementation.

  • She recommends to drink nettle teas and it may be worth getting your iron levels checked and seeing a medical professional for proper test and supplementation.

My Take: Epigenetics & Nutrigenomics

Let us talk about Epigenetic and Nutrigenomics - my newest study interest. Just last month I listen and learned so much through the summit of 32 leading experts on “Interpreting Your Genetics” subject.


Epigenetics -the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. 

Nutrigenomics - the scientific study of the interaction of nutrition and genes, especially with regard to the prevention or treatment of disease.

In 2012 I did genetic test for myself and Nicholas through lab called smartDNA Check it out here and since then have been studying it intensely. The cost of this test is $500, which comes with a thorough interpretation and suggestions for nutritional and lifestyle modifications. I do offer it to my clients and quite a few of you took me up on this offer and had it done.  

One of my gifts to my daughter Marianna last year was “23 and me” genetic test, the cost is $210, the cons - it does not provide you with interpretations and lifestyle modifications, so it is up to you to dig deeper, using other sites to interpret the raw data.

One of the new fascinating book on my read list today is Dr. Dale Bredesen’s book The End of Alzheimer’s – The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline. It came highly recommended by the well respected neurologist David Perlmutter, MD - one of the speakers from the Genetic Summit. 

Either way, we can work together to help you incorporate important lifestyle changes to prevent/or slow the cognitive decline that affects so many of us.

My aunt passed away at 93, “living” with Alzheimers for last 13 years of her life. No one wants such a life. She was a prominent doctor in Ukraine, head of the hospital in her prime years, still… You do not know, what you don’t know and when you know better, you do better, right?!

Bounce Gently, Bounce Daily

In my August Newsletter, I wrote about rebounding or exercising on mini-trampoline, as a part of an anti-aging health program.


Doing this simple exercise of bouncing can burn 350 calories in 30 minutes. You improve your balance and flexibility. You can even watch a favorite show or listen to a famous podcast while bouncing.  

We recently replaced the old metal spring rebounder with the Bellicon brand, which uses flexible, but sturdy and silent bungee cords.

Here again the benefits of bouncing:

  1. great, gentle workout for all muscle groups
  2. flushes out the lymphatic system, where toxins are accumulated
  3. aids in the digestion and elimination
  4. enhances and brightens mood

Check it out https://www.bellicon.com

Moving Announcement: New Greenwich Location

For all my Greenwich clients:


Starting March 7th my Greenwich practice will be in a new location: 7 Lincoln Ave, 2nd floor. I was invited to join Backcountry Wellness Center and accepted the offer with delight.  The new location is right in the center of Greenwich, between Milbank Avenue and Mason Street, with plenty of parking around the building, and free parking on the street after 2 pm. 

I trust you will like it. I look forward to meeting with the new health care practitioners there, and most importantly to being of continuing healing service to you in this new place. My phone number remains the same 203-968-6824.

I will continue to refer you to my colleagues at the Lotus Wellness Center on Pemberwick Rd, especially to Robin Spiegel, LMT.  Her therapeutic massages  and wonderful workshops offer tremendous value.