
My Take: Epigenetics & Nutrigenomics

Let us talk about Epigenetic and Nutrigenomics - my newest study interest. Just last month I listen and learned so much through the summit of 32 leading experts on “Interpreting Your Genetics” subject.


Epigenetics -the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. 

Nutrigenomics - the scientific study of the interaction of nutrition and genes, especially with regard to the prevention or treatment of disease.

In 2012 I did genetic test for myself and Nicholas through lab called smartDNA Check it out here and since then have been studying it intensely. The cost of this test is $500, which comes with a thorough interpretation and suggestions for nutritional and lifestyle modifications. I do offer it to my clients and quite a few of you took me up on this offer and had it done.  

One of my gifts to my daughter Marianna last year was “23 and me” genetic test, the cost is $210, the cons - it does not provide you with interpretations and lifestyle modifications, so it is up to you to dig deeper, using other sites to interpret the raw data.

One of the new fascinating book on my read list today is Dr. Dale Bredesen’s book The End of Alzheimer’s – The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline. It came highly recommended by the well respected neurologist David Perlmutter, MD - one of the speakers from the Genetic Summit. 

Either way, we can work together to help you incorporate important lifestyle changes to prevent/or slow the cognitive decline that affects so many of us.

My aunt passed away at 93, “living” with Alzheimers for last 13 years of her life. No one wants such a life. She was a prominent doctor in Ukraine, head of the hospital in her prime years, still… You do not know, what you don’t know and when you know better, you do better, right?!

Understanding Restless Leg Syndrome

In my Reflexology practice I often encounter people with RLS - Restless Leg Syndrome.

RLS is a disorder that causes a strong urge to move one's legs. There is often an unpleasant feeling in the legs that improves somewhat with moving them. The feelings generally happen when at rest and therefore can make it hard to sleep. Due to the disturbance in sleep, people with RLS may have daytime sleepiness, low energy, irritability, and a depressed mood. Additionally, many have limb twitching during sleep. It is also considered a sleep disorder. 

As research has shown over and over, sleep disruption can significantly impair quality of life, so RLS is more than just an uncomfortable inconvenience. According to a study published in European Respiratory Journal, 2012 40: P436, RLS is more prevalent among Obstructive Sleep Apnea patients than controls. CPAP treatment decreases RLS symptoms significantly. You can read more on the significance of good sleep in my recent blog here.

Certain chronic conditions (Parkinson’s disease, kidney failure, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy and iron or vitamin D deficiency) and pharmaceutical drugs containing sedating antihistamines, such as anti-nausea drugs, antipsychotic drugs, some antidepressants and cold/allergy medications, can sometimes cause the side effect of RLS. This is known as secondary RLS. It would be fair to say, that poor circulation and low level of oxygen in the blood also play a role. 


In my Reflexology sessions, I pay particular attention to improving the range of motion with the ankles, stretching and manipulating lower leg reflexes, and focusing on the reflexes to the central nervous system and low back muscles. 

I also suggest using graduated compression socks. Sockwell is my favorite brand. You can order them here.

The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) released new guidelines, since some evidence shows that iron deficiency is associated with RLS. The AAN now recommends Iron 325 mg along with Vitamin C 1000 mg twice daily for RLS patients with low blood ferritin levels (<75 mcg/L). 

Vitamin C enhances the uptake of Iron, among many other important functions. Bleeding can cause iron loss. Gastrointestinal bleeding can be caused by aspirin, ibuprofen, or arthritis medicines used for a long period of time. Before resorting to supplements, I want you to reach for foods rich in Iron and vitamin C, such as eggs, fish, leafy vegetables (my favorite are beet leaves which you can sauté with garlic and onions as a side dish to meat and liver - also rich in Iron). A good online shopping source is Vital Choice.

On a very personal note, I came to inherit “anemic “ genes. My late aunt and my mom historically suffer from anemia; my own ferritin levels are always on the low side. To combat this, I supplement generously with Vitamin C and Iron, in addition to eating abundantly healthy. My favorite brand for Vitamin  C is “Berry C” by Lidtke, and my Iron supplement comes from “Laktoferrin with Colostrum” by Allergy Research Group. Both of these are available to order on my online dispensary - Fullscript.

Oh Sweet, Let's Talk About Sweets


Let me have a sweet talk with you about the sweets in our life. I'm going to cover all sweets – the good, bad and in between, starting with carrots, beets, blueberries, bananas, dates, red wine and dark chocolate. Then we'll get into what some may call "guilty pleasures" such as an assortment of candies and baked goods. Healthy foods that also have sugar in them can supply our body with much needed macro and micro nutrients as well as necessary glucose used for generating cellular energy. But that is only if we have a sufficient sugar metabolism. If not, here comes pre-diabetes or diabetes – the number one metabolic disease of our time.

Reminder on Most Common Types of Sugars:
Regular table sugar, called Sucrose, is made of 50% Fructose and 50% Glucose. Fructose is metabolized in the liver, while Glucose goes directly into the blood stream. Milk contains sugar as well, called Lactose, that consists of Glucose and Galactose. For your reference, here is a chart below of the amounts of sugar in many common fruits. This chart was found on the following website.


50% of adults in the United States have diabetes or pre-diabetes, study finds, as noted on That is an unbelievable percentage considering how many adults we have in this country.

Yuval Harari in his fascinating new book “Homo Deus, A Brief History of Tomorrow," brings critical numbers to prove this point on page 17.

”In 2012, about 56 million people died throughout the world: 620,000 of them died due to human violence (war killed 120,000, and crime killed another 500,000). In contrast, 800,000 committed suicide, and 1.5 million died of diabetes."

Talk about your fork and spoon being the weapons of mass destruction, indeed! What if we learn to burn fat instead of sugar to fuel our body and minds? In my previous blog post “The 4 Truths” I wrote about the ketogenic way of eating, not to repeat myself again, but here is the link in case you're curious.

As many of you know, I constantly fight with my extra weight. I have poor metabolism, inherited from my mama. Full disclosure here, my mom lives and struggles with Diabetes Type II for the last 30 years and is legally blind from it now. I am greatly predisposed to it, as I learned through the genetic test called “smartDNA." I am affiliated with the lab that performs the test and I offer this test to my clients as well (feel free to ask me about it at your next appointment.)

As I shared with you before, Nicholas and I switched from Raw/Vegan to a low carb/high fat, a.k.a. the Ketogenic way of eating. We made this decision after spending two weeks last summer with a truly gifted health coach, Truth Calkins.

Here came the need to buy high quality fish/seafood/meat. 

I learned about the company “” and we started to order their offerings online. We are very happy with the taste of their products and I am glad to offer you an additional 10% off their price through my affiliation with Vital Choice. Click the link here

Also we enjoy three meals a week from “'s" Paleo program. All organic ingredients are delivered to our door with easy-to-follow recipes and delicious pre-mixed sauces. I have a limited number of coupons for free meals from them. Please just ask/email me for the link.

Below are the books on my reading desk this month. I invite you to discover Anthony William's books where he reveals the secret behind chronic diseases and his solution to healing them with food and supplements. We will discuss this in next month's newsletter!

Reflexology for Diabetic Patients

The field of Reflexology is getting more integrated into mainstream medicine as a complementary modality that is a safe, cost-effective and efficient one at that. The majority of controlled studies are done overseas, in Europe, China and Korea. Some of the research published can be found here.


Of the results from 13 clinical studies on the effects of reflexology treatment given to diabetic patients, 41.41% were significantly effective and 57.51% were effective in some way. For context, this was out of a total of 158 cases. The results from those studies show that reflexology provided a 100% measurable positive outcome.
(Kunz and Kunz, Medical Application of Reflexology,  copyright RRP Press 1999,  page 30)

From my own practice, I can tell you, that my mom receives Reflexology treatments at least bi-weekly with consistently positive feedback. Even though her blood sugar is elevated and managed by Metformin and Glyburide, she does not need insulin injections. If only she could stay away from cookies and bread on a daily basis!!! Arghh!

Here is another account from one of my clients:

“I have been a Type II Diabetic for more than 26 years, somewhat controlled with pills and over the past five years replaced with dosages of insulin. During this period my readings fluctuated between 165 dmo. and 200 dmo daily. I started with Reflexology at the recommendation of my daughter in November 2012 in order to rebuild my body and overall health and redevelop a sense of well being. Much to my amazement I noticed my need for insulin was becoming less and less. I went from 54 units daily to 20 units!!!My primary doctor cannot find an explanation for such change. I believe, however, this change is due to Irina Breslav’s Reflexology treatments, that stimulate my pancreas and kidney functions. I continue to with my Reflexology sessions , as I strongly believe in the benefits this complementary medicine has given me”

— Melvin Bye

Bounce Gently, Bounce Daily

In my August Newsletter, I wrote about rebounding or exercising on mini-trampoline, as a part of an anti-aging health program.


Doing this simple exercise of bouncing can burn 350 calories in 30 minutes. You improve your balance and flexibility. You can even watch a favorite show or listen to a famous podcast while bouncing.  

We recently replaced the old metal spring rebounder with the Bellicon brand, which uses flexible, but sturdy and silent bungee cords.

Here again the benefits of bouncing:

  1. great, gentle workout for all muscle groups
  2. flushes out the lymphatic system, where toxins are accumulated
  3. aids in the digestion and elimination
  4. enhances and brightens mood

Check it out