technology and health

The New Wearables

Today I want to talk about wearables. Do you know that electronic smart gadgets can be incorporated into clothing, implanted under the skin or worn on the body as an accessory for the purpose of collecting and tracking your personal physiological data to improve your health and fitness? Such medical data collecting devices are perfect tools in the development and implementation of  a  medical care model that shifts its focus from diagnosis to prognosis.


Precision Medicine is an emerging field in the science of health and wellness. This Medicine is based on four principles:

  1. Predictive

  2. Preventive

  3. Personalized

  4. Participatory.

The use of FitBits or similar devices is quite common now and  wearables technology is exploding all over the world.
Let me introduce you to the Oura Ring. It is developed by a  fairly new - only two years old - company from Finland.

I have been learning about the outmost importance of good sleep on our health for quite sometime now. Please check  out one of the best books on this seemingly trivial subject.  Here comes the wearable that allows me to quantify the quality of my nightly sleep and much more. Of course I got excited. 

I ordered my Oura Ring - second generation, last December.  Due to its enormous popularity  it arrived with delay this August.
For almost two months I have been collecting and monitoring the data on my SLEEP - 7 characteristics; READINESS  - 7 characteristics, ACTIVITY  - 6 characteristics; yes, steps walked  and TRENDS.

The ring is synched with my iPhone ( can be other cell phone models) via the Oura app and can independently collect and store info up to 5 days, if for whatever reason I am not near my phone. It emits very low EMF compare to other devices and operates in Airplane Mode, if chosen. There is so much more to learn and discuss about the Oura Ring.
Ask me any questions at your next session.
If you decide to buy it, you are welcome to use HIH code for $50 off its $300+ price, depending on the model. 
I am happy to share, that my husband agreed to wear his cool Christmas present - Oura Ring. I pray, that his ring will arrive just in time.

Here's other products that I introduce on my page The Products We Love: Vibram Five Toes shoes - give my bunions  - yep, I do have them on both feet more space and to prevent future misalignment  and a simple pleasure Massage Glove

I am also excited to share a fantastic podcast by Peter Attia MD, called The Drive. Thanks to Max, one among my young and savvy clients,  I am now hooked to Peter's podcast, his style, cutting edge info on many subjects... Mainly, health, longevity, critical thinking and a few others. 

How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology

Ever since the proliferated use of the computers and cell phones, I was interested in protecting ourselves from EMF -ElectroMagnetic Field radiation. You know, I have an engineering degree, so is my interest in applicable electromagnetic devices for improving  health is well justified. I also understand physics, and know, that every device that is run by electrical current may have dirty electricity and potential harmful magnetic field - measurable EMF (F for Fog). Hard science, can be difficult for many of us to comprehend.


Here is the book "The Non-tinfoil guide to EMFs" that is written by investigative health journalist in a plain language with  plenty of great resources.

What I do to protect us from EMF?

1. Do not use the laptop on my lap, since I use WiFi (my computer is not connected to Router by the old fashion cable wire), it emits tons of harmful EMF.  My computer sits on WrapTop - Magnetic Shielding,  check out If you absolutely insist on using your laptop on top of your lap, buy Defender Pad.

2. Most computers come with  ungrounded cords (two prongs) - I bought USB grounding cords for our computers. If you do not have it yet, please charge your computer when it is not in use, otherwise use it on a battery power.

3. Keep the distance between you and your screens (laptops, phone, tablets) as much as you can. EMF is distance sensitive –At least one foot away from your body, please!

4. Most of all, protect your children, Belly Armor is a great resource for shielding babes that are born or still inside of you, with the blankets made of radiation shield material.
The site has other great devices and EMF protecting clothes for grown ups who invented and constantly use this amazing technology. Anyone totally attached to their cell phone day and night? We all at some point fit this profile and we must protect ourselves more in our daily lives.

5. Buy Shielding Pouch for WiFi Router to reduce microwave radiation, if you're not willing to turn off your router at night, which is the best source of action - please avoid sleeping in a sea of radiation. Signal Tamer from will reduce this radiation.

6. Buy your phone a BlackOut Patch, that you can attach to the back of your phone– Get your loved ones a patch as well! A less sexy option is the BlocSock, if you have a habit of holding the phone to your head. For iPad and other tablets - iPad POUCH 

7. Are you using earphones? Please attach Ferrite Snap Beads to the wires, as I did, easy. They reduce radio frequency radiation.

8. Switch to Airplane mode, when you're using your phone in the metal boxes we call "cars." You get the worst exposure, since the radiation waves are bouncing around. I am not aware of any cars yet that use radiation blocking material for their interiors. Download music and podcasts, if you are maximizing your time while driving - so there's no wifi needed. 

9. Avoid using your devices when reception is bad, since some phones can ramp up their harmful emissions during this time.
Want to know more on the subject,  here is another book – "Zapped."
And of course, do not hesitate to ask me for help.